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We are excited to announce our Fall 2024 League City Sharks volleyball program. We will be keeping much of the same format as last Fall.  Like always, spots are limited, so sign up asap. We are excited to have the opportunity to get into CCISD facilities this year.


4th/5th Grade Program - Sunday Afternoons and Wednesday Nights - $325 ($295 cash)


Sunday Practices - Creekside Intermediate from 2:10 - 3:30

Wednesday Practices - Creekside Intermediate from 6:30 - 7:45

Eligible players must be 3rd-5th graders born on or after July 1, 2013.  


The Sharks 4th/5th division will play in 10U and 11U tournaments. This level will focus on the fundamentals of volleyball with a heavy emphasis on passing and serving. This level will play positionless volleyball which means that everyone will be able to play in every position. Playing time will be equally distributed and players will play all the way around. They will practice on Wednesdays and Sundays (time TBD). There are no tryouts for this level. Teams may vary from tournament to tournament depending on players availability. 



Sharks 6th Grade Program - Sunday Afternoons and Wednesday Evenings (Time TBD) - $435 ($395 cash)


Sunday Practices - Creekside Intermediate from 3:30 - 5:00

Wednesday Practices - Creekside Intermediate from 7:10 - 8:30


Eligible players must be 3rd-5th graders born on or after July 1, 2012


EVALUATIONS ARE SEPTEMBER 18, 2024.  Exact time and place will be announced at a later date.


The Sharks Premiere division will focus on getting the girls ready to play middle school volleyball. This division will practice two times a week and will have a heavy emphasis on skill development along with an understanding of positions on the volleyball court.  This division will play positioned volleyball, meaning that players will be placed into a position that is best for the team. They will learn a lot about the individual responsibilities of each position and how they work together to form the volleyball team. This division will play in 12U tournaments and playing time will NOT be exactly equal.  All girls will play, but some will play more than others much in the same way club volleyball or school volleyball will do it.  The goal is to keep the kids together for the duration of the season. Players that are in the Premier division need to come to tryouts so that we can start to form teams as quickly as possible. All 6th graders that have a birthday after July 1, 2012 are encouraged to play at this level to prepare them for 7th grade volleyball at school. 



If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at or you can text me at 281-433-4437.

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